Useful Resources
Here are a couple of useful links we think you should check out....
Here are a couple of useful links we think you should check out....
We hope you all had a great half term, this Friday is our Bonfire evening. Details have been sent. - 04/11/2021
Tomorrow is our first coffee morning in a long time. Come join us for tea, coffee and cake at church. Running from 9:30 till 11:30am. Help us raise some funds for the work we do- 15/10/2021
Tonight will see the return of band on a Friday night, open to young people in secondary school. Running from 9pm till 9:45pm. We have collection of marching band instruments that are available to
young people to learn such as drums, bugles and Bell lyes. Tonight we will be running a "come and try" night, so young people can come and try things. -
We are BACK!! all of our age groups are running and accepting new members. It's great to be back meeting face to face and getting on with all the fun activities -
We might be back to Zoom on a Friday night, but Baking with Dave returns! Head over to the Brigades@Home page for all the recipes, and the other activities we have posted - 13/11/2020
We are back face-to-face. All precautions have been taken and we look forward to seeing you all again in person!- 02/10/2020
We are back face-to-face. All precautions have been taken and we look forward to seeing you all again in person! - 02/10/2020
Virtual Camp is in full swing. Keep your eye on our social media for the daily challenges, or you can catch up on the Virtual
Camp web page. Have fun!- 11/08/2020
We know it's the summer holidays, but we are continuing to run our regular Zoom Fridays, so we hope you keep joining us. We will be running just 1 session each Friday starting at 7pm. Looking
forward to seeing you there!- 24/07/2020
We've just about recovered from virtual Unite last weekend. We are back to normal, so head over to the Brigades@Home page to check out the latest from BB at Home and GB at Home and our own baking
and physical challenges! - 29/05/2020
Keep sending in your chain reaction videos for last week's challenge. We've loved seeing the ones we have so far! - 08/05/2020
Unusually we met during the Easter holidays, but tonight we are back to 'normal'. Keep showing us what you're doing at home, and make sure to keep an eye on the activities on offer through the
Brigades@Home tab to the left - 24/04/2020
Keep sending in your pictures of you taking part in the activities on the Brigades@Home page. We love to see them! - 10/04/2020
Thank you for all your rainbow pictures from last week! Check out this week's activities on the Brigades@Home page - 27/03/2020
We are creating content for our new Brigades@Home initiative for while we are not meeting in person. Keep an eye out on the Brigades@Home page for new content. Each week there will be a Zoom chat,
plus activities to do during the week. It's going to be exciting! - 21/03/2020
Due to Coronavirus Brigades is not meeting until further notice. Keep yourselves safe - 19/03/2020
Tonight we have a special guest coming to talk to Juniors and above - 17/01/2020
Tonight see the relaunch of our youngest section for young people school age reception to year 3. Hoping to see this group grow - 10/01/2020
Tonight we are in Christmas Jumpers to help raise money for Save the Children. See you all tonight - 13/12/2019
We are now back to normal. All sections are at normal times. Hope to see you there- 13/09/19
Hope everyone is enjoy the Summer. We return on Friday 6th September. Looking forward to it! - 02/08/19
We are back tomorrow night, all sections normal times. Hope to see you there - 02/03/19
Tonight is Annual Display night, starting at 7pm at Church. Please come and see what we do! - 12/04/19
We wish all our young people good luck as we finish preparing for our Boys' Brigade Battalion Uniformed Competitions on Saturday 23rd. They've all worked very hard and will do us proud!
- 15/03/19
Happy New Year! We start back on Friday 11th January - 01/01/19
Our Christmas party this year is a young people only event. We're making things a bit different on the 21st! - 14/12/18
Join us tomorrow for parade this Remembrance Day, and then at the memorial in the afternoon for the community service of remembrance. The band will be playing! -
Brigade returns for our new session on Friday 7th September. Start of year packs will be out soon. New members are always welcome - 28/08/18
The next church parade is on Sunday 8th April, starting at 10.30. Please be in the hall in full uniform at 10.15. Looking forward to seeing you there! -
There is a circuit Youth Service at Bilton Area Methodist Church starting at 18.30 on Sunday 1st April. Starbeck Worship Band, "3in1", will be playing, and there will be the usual selection of
good songs and worship stations to join in with. See you then! - 19/03/18
Next Friday, the 23rd, is the last Friday of term at Brigades. We will return on Friday 20th April following the Easter Holidays - 16/03/18
We return on Friday! The new session begins this coming Friday, the 8th September. We look forward to seeing new members as well as our regular faces. Can't wait to get back to it! - 02/09/17
Back from a lovely camp. All go! A new worship experience at church on Sunday morning, bowling, the Pleasure Beach, Selfie Tour, Drop and Find, Camp Fire, Archery, Swimming - what more could we
want? An all in (mainly) good weather under canvas - 19/08/17
And so we embark on camp. Lots of activities, fun, and fellowship planned. The tents are ready to go. Are you? - 04/08/17
Another successful year from all our generous supporters in the annual Active Kids Voucher collection. We raised 4945 vouchers this year and plan to order various bits of sports equipment both to
support current activities and facilitate new ones. Thank you all! - 30/06/17